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Sikhri Presents: Guru Gobind Singh Sahib - The Rider of the Blue Steed


The monumental event of the ninth Nanak’s martyrdom, Guru Teghbahadur Sahib in 1666, resulted in young Guru Gobind "Rai" Sahib taking the responsibility of Guruship of the Sikh Nation at the tender age of nine. Thirty years later, another monumental event transpired in the Khalsa’s inauguration and his transformation into Guru Gobind "Singh" Sahib. What did the Guru do in those 33 years? Where did he spend his time, and what were the activities he was involved in? We will delve into that time-period and share Guru Gobind Singh’s life and legacy episodes during those final formative years before Vaisakhi 1699

Inderpreet Singh is a technology professional focusing on cloud, networking, security, and solution architecture. He currently leads cloud operations at a biopharma organization that is working towards transforming cancer care. His passion is Sikhi and Sikh community-related community projects. He is heavily involved with Sikh youth camps, retreats, and conferences, where he conducts seminars, lectures, and interactive workshops on Gurmat-related topics. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Sikh Research Institute and a Board of Advisor for the Sikh Coalition. Inderpreet grew up in India, Canada, Japan, and the US, and now he continues to grow in Chelmsford, MA, with his wife and two girls.