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Punjab Roots: Farm Life in Punjab, A Photo Exhibit


In order to understand the plight of farmers in Punjab today, you must first understand their roots. The timeless connection that Sikhs have always had with the land of the five rivers. This photo exhibit features stunning never before seen photographs of rural life in Punjab taken over 25 years ago - before the arrival of the internet, cell phones or digital cameras. The photos capture a simpler time in Punjab that showcase the timeless vibrancy of the people of Punjab that have defined a way of life for hundreds of years that is now threatened. Join Sandeep Singh on April 25th as he launches this new exhibit online where he will discuss the background of the exhibit, talk about some of the stories behind some of the photographs and officially go-live with the exhibit launch on for everyone around the world to enjoy.

Sandeep Singh is the Curator of and the creator of the world's first Sikh website